Stejg is a simple rendering engine with a command line interface.
It's intended as a visualization aid for developers who like to
script just about everything.
Current release is in alpha stage
and needs evaluation and feedback (stejg-feedback at 7de dot
se). Please download it and give it a try, tell me what you think! I
promise to read your mail, but maybe not respond to each.
A library for writing actors (small programs which use the stejg) is available
Requirements; Linux and SDL2
- stejg-linux-unreleased-d045e64.tgz Usage
Written by Gregory Vincic This binary was build for the public. Version....: unreleased Build date.: 2017-12-29 08:53:01 UTC Plattform..: linux Revision...: d045e64eeb01defc2648af3f70a651286baca6bf
Quick start
Start the stejg
stejg -s&
Hide the status bar
stejg hide
Clear the splash screen
stejg -bgc black clear
Write some text
stejg -fc red -p center -t "My first time using stejg"
Read the usage for more information about each argument.
stejg -h
Here is a bash script I use to stay focused.
focuson ()
# Clear whatever is showing now
stejg -bgc 222222 clear
# Do we have any input
if [ ! -z "$*" ]; then
stejg -p center -t "Focus on" -fc 777777 -fs 26
# The focus subject
stejg -fc red -p center -y 100 -fs 100 -t "$*"
# And an icon just for fun
icon=$(find ~/Downloads/smashing-freebie-space-icons/png/128 -name "*.png"| shuf -n 1)
stejg -i $icon -p center -y "-120"
From the command line I can then type
focuson Something important
and the result would be somthing like