Usage: stejg [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
-a, --about
Show about information and exit
-bgc, --background-color
Background color (default 222222)
Listen for commands or destination (default localhost:9994)
Show changelog and exit
-d, --delay
Delay in seconds before effect starts (default 2)
-ds, --dim-speed
Speed of pulse and fade_out effects, 1..255 (default 3)
Effect for eg. image, text or command (default none)
- none
- No effect, just present text or image
- fade_out
- Fades out image [-i path] with the given label [-l "label"]
- pulse
- Text or image pulsates, -d flag says for how long it should pulse before vanishing
-f, --font
Path to font or [FreeMono|FreeSans|FreeSerif|pricedown] (default FreeMono)
Credits: GNU FreeFont, pricedown
-fc, --font-color
Font color (default ffffff)
-fs, --font-size
Font size in pixels (default 30)
-h, --help
Show this help and exit
-i, --image
Path to image
-m, --multiply
Multiply, useful with random positioning to scatter text or images (default 0)
-p, --position POSITION
How to place the media on the screen, if not given then -x, -y is used.
- center
- When centering -x, -y are relative to the center
- center-x
- Use -y to set the y-axis
- center-y
- Use -x to set the x-axis
- random
- Somewhere within the viewport
- right
- Aligned to the right edge of the window.
Use -y for the y-axis and -x for adjusting the right alignment,
eg. -x -10 for 10 pixels from the right border.
- bottom
- Aligned to the bottom edge of the window.
Use -x for the x-axis and -y for adjusting the bottom alignment.
- bottom-right
- Aligned to bottom right corner of window.
x,y points for drawing lines "x1,y1,x2,y2"
-q, --quiet
No logging
-s, --start
Start the show, use with --bind
-t, --text
Text to render
Tag the event
-v, --version
Show version and exit
Show release name and version and exit
X position, if position=center[-x|-y] x,y are relative to center (default 0)
Y position (default 0)
- clear
- Removes all objects from the display
- hide
- Hides the status bar
- quit
- Quits the application
- save
- Use with -i to save a png of the current view
- rm
- Remove a tagged object, use with --tag